Latest Past Events

11/16 Scholar Orientation


Scholar Orientation: review the Virginia Ready Scholar Journey from start to finish. Topics include: scholar expectations, VTOP/Career Readiness Modules, how to earn your scholar badge, career opportunities with partners, program resources, and peer to peer networking. hbspt.forms.create({ region: "na1", portalId: "20817809", formId: "c6e8d6ad-62a4-4a62-8c6c-5d3da66318e8" });

11/02 Scholar Orientation


Scholar Orientation: review the Virginia Ready Scholar Journey from start to finish. Topics include: scholar expectations, VTOP/Career Readiness Modules, how to earn your scholar badge, career opportunities with partners, program resources, and peer to peer networking. hbspt.forms.create({ region: "na1", portalId: "20817809", formId: "a7fd752f-93de-4033-af0a-0cdc0f5257db" });

10/28 Scholar Orientation


Scholar Orientation: review the Virginia Ready Scholar Journey from start to finish. Topics include: scholar expectations, VTOP/Career Readiness Modules, how to earn your scholar badge, career opportunities with partners, program resources, and peer to peer networking. hbspt.forms.create({ region: "na1", portalId: "20817809", formId: "46eb1b5a-cd22-484b-8593-a545988c3d0e" });